Sunday, March 8, 2009

Enrichment Supplements: Freezer Meal Tips

As part of preserving the family dinner, freezing meals is an easy way to stretch your dollar and save time. Here is an article from Southern Living giving ideas for what to freeze. Also, this is a great cookbook that provided the tips below Don’t Panic, Dinner is in the Freezer written by Susie Martinez, Vanda Howell & Bonnie Howell

Ziploc Bags (Liquids like soups, chilis, stews or semi-solid foods like meat in marinade, BBQ shredded beef)
  • Remove as much air as possible
  • Lay bags flat and on top of each other (if there are multiples) can put in a cake pan to keep its shape, put in the freezer until it freezes to shape and then remove pan
  • Defrost in fridge when ready to serve (not out on the counter) or use the defrost cycle on microwave

Foil & Plastic Method (semi-solid food that need to keep shape like lasagna, enchiladas, etc)

  • Line baking dish with foil first and then layer with plastic wrap. Make sure both cover all sides and top of dish.
  • If food is hot, partially cool and fill the dish
  • When its completely cooled, cover up with plastic wrap, removing as much air as possible and then seal with foil
  • Put full meal in pan in the freezer until “flash frozen” and slip the meal out of the pan
    Serving – remove meal and thaw slightly. Remove foil & plastic wrap, place in original dish for baking - This method does not tie up baking dishes and take up less space

    Baked Goods

  • Always double wrap for freshness – wrap first in plastic wrap, then in plastic bag
  • Cookies can be “flash frozen” by putting rolled balls on cookie sheet – freeze for about 20-30 minutes and then put in Ziploc bag

    Miscellaneous Tips:

  • Always label your meals with name, date and cooking instructions.
  • Reuse your freezer bags when possible (not ones with marinated meat, but baked goods, etc)
  • Freeze leftover tomato paste in 1T portions wrapped in plastic wrap
  • Wrap leftover fresh cilantro in plastic bag and freeze, add when needed to recipes
  • After squeezing juice from lemons, oranges & limes, store and freeze leftover rinds to grate rind for recipes
  • Fresh ginger grates when frozen and keeps well

How long things will keep:
Cooked meat in sauces (enchiladas, stroganoff) 5-6 months
Uncooked meats in sauces, marinades (same as raw meat)
Spaghetti sauce, chili, soups 5-6 months
Quiche 3 months

Raw Meats:
Roasts, beef 7-9 months
Roasts, pork 4-6 months
Steaks, beef 7-9 months
Steaks, pork 2-3 months
Pork chops, ribs 2-3 months
Ground beef 3 months
Chicken 10 months
Turkey, whole 6 months

Baked goods:
Quick breads, muffins 3 months
Yeast breads, rolls 2-3 months
Pizza dough 5-6 months
Cookies 3-4 months
Frozen desserts 1-3 months

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome information Heather. Thanks for putting it together for us. If anyone wants to head up a Freezer Meal Dinner Group, Katy 2nd ward is doing that. My daughter has done it a couple of times and loves it. She said it saves time AND money! Let us know if you'd like more information.
