Tuesday, July 15, 2014

June & July Provident Living Lists

Food Storage Item: 5 lbs. dry milk

Week 4: Add 1-2 changes of clothing to 72-hour kit

Week 3: Add a battery powered lantern

Week 2: Add tarp/plastic sheeting to 72-hour kit for hurricane preparedness

Week 1: Add $10 cash to emergency cash stash

Food Storage Item: 5 lbs. dehydrated fruits or vegetables

Week 4: Compile a contact list and a go-list to hang on your fridge or other speedy to grab place

Week 3: Add disinfectant (betadine, bleach, sterile wipes, hand sanitizer) to 72-hour kit

Week 2: Add ziplock bags (variety of sizes) to 72-hour kit

Week 1: Add 1 box of crackers to 72-hour kit

July/August Lesson Links & VT Links

6th - Presidency Lesson
13th - "The Oath & Covenant of the Priesthood" Lesson #12
20th - "Baptism" Lesson #13
27th - TFOT

July VT Link
The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Advocate

3rd - Presidency Lesson
10th - Stake Conference
17th - "The Gift of the Holy Ghost" Lesson #14
24th - TFOT
31st - Fifth Sunday Lesson