Sunday, March 8, 2009

1Q09 Enrichment Meeting Follow Up & Recipes

The following posts are the handouts and supporting information that may be helpful as we strengthen our families by preserving the dinner hour. Also, we will be posting all the fabulous recipes that were shared at Enrichment in the next few days - we are excited to share them if you did not get a copy of the recipes.

If you have any words of wisdom on the topics we discussed at enrichment, please add a comment to any of the postings so we can learn from each other!

The Enrichment Committee


  1. Thanks for sharing the ideas, recipes and pictures! I was so sorry to miss it nut you helped me feel as if I was there! Thanks again!

  2. Heather, this is so great! Thanks for adding all of these resources. I can't wait for a free moment so that I can look at them more in depth. So glad that they are here!
