Opening Song: 'Give said the little stream' Childrens Songbook # 236
Opening Prayer: Child
Lesson: Mommy
Ask Child "What things do you like to do for your birthday? Last year the prophet Pres Monson was asked the same question ~ what he would like for his birthday? He answered "Find someone who is having a hard time or is ill or lonely, and do something for him or her.”Isn't this a very nice thing? Why should we serve/help others?Why would the prophet be happy if we go and help others, or visit the sick or lonely?
Activity:Some Children, after hearing Pres Monson say this started a 'warm fuzzies jar' Each time they did something good for another person they were able to put a warm fuzzy in the jar. They kept going until the jar was full.We are going to make a warm fuzzy jar too.Decorate Jar as you desire, have a bowl of pom poms/cotton balls for children to see. Do a service in the house right away and place some 'warm fuzzies' in the jar to get started. Challenge the children to do something nice for someone in the family, neighbour or friend so they can put more pom pom's in the jar
Find Video Here of President Monson's Talk "What have I done for someone today?" You could play this while you do the activity or have children watch while eating the treat.
Closing Song: ' Called to Serve ' Children's Songbook # 174
Closing Prayer: Daddy
Treat:M&M's or any other colourful ball shaped candy. Using a cookie cutter cut circle shapes out of slice of bread. Butter and sprinkle with colourful sprinkles of your choice
Opening Prayer: Child
Lesson: Mommy
Ask Child "What things do you like to do for your birthday? Last year the prophet Pres Monson was asked the same question ~ what he would like for his birthday? He answered "Find someone who is having a hard time or is ill or lonely, and do something for him or her.”Isn't this a very nice thing? Why should we serve/help others?Why would the prophet be happy if we go and help others, or visit the sick or lonely?
Activity:Some Children, after hearing Pres Monson say this started a 'warm fuzzies jar' Each time they did something good for another person they were able to put a warm fuzzy in the jar. They kept going until the jar was full.We are going to make a warm fuzzy jar too.Decorate Jar as you desire, have a bowl of pom poms/cotton balls for children to see. Do a service in the house right away and place some 'warm fuzzies' in the jar to get started. Challenge the children to do something nice for someone in the family, neighbour or friend so they can put more pom pom's in the jar
Find Video Here of President Monson's Talk "What have I done for someone today?" You could play this while you do the activity or have children watch while eating the treat.
Closing Song: ' Called to Serve ' Children's Songbook # 174
Closing Prayer: Daddy
Treat:M&M's or any other colourful ball shaped candy. Using a cookie cutter cut circle shapes out of slice of bread. Butter and sprinkle with colourful sprinkles of your choice