Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August Announcements

Ward Relief Society Temple Trip:
Thursday, August 28 for 7 pm session (meet at church at 5:30 pm to carpool)

Ward Sock Hop: September 13 from 6 - 8:30 pm at the Stake Center. Planning meetings for Sock Hop at Lisa Davies' home at 4 pm on August 31 and September 7. All are welcome. Call 832-449-2259 for details.

Katy Stake Adult Co-Ed Volleyball 2014:
August to November on Friday nights. Check your email for full details.

Choir Practice:
10:15-10:50 am EACH Sunday in the chapel and at 3 pm at the Watts' home, 21735 Park Bend

Katy Stake Single Adults (31+) Monthly Devotional:
Meets 2nd Thursday every month at 7:30 - 8:30 pm, Bear Creek RS Room

Institute Class:
Every Thursday at 7:30 pm in the Primary Room

LDS Addiction Recovery Program:
ARP Tuesday 7:30 pm in the HC Room at Stake Center
PARG (men only) Thursday 7:30 pm in HC Room at Stake Center
For more info, visit or call Elder and Sister Johnson at 832-232-3419

August Provident Living List

Food Storage Item: 21 lbs. wheat (date for rotation)

Week 1: Add $10 emergency cash to stash.

Week 2: Add basic first aid kit to 72-hour kit.

Week 3: Add 1 lb. dried fruit to 72-hour kit (date for rotation).

Week 4: Add battery powered radio to 72 hour kit, check batteries.